
一种拖放解决方案,可为您的 PBR 材料添加环境效果,以及启动您自己的智能材料的构建块。在库中选择一种智能效果,然后将其放在任何材料上。您可以添加苔藓、雪、灰尘、沙子、泄漏、水坑、枯叶、边缘磨损、外星人生长等。当然,只需单击几下即可自定义其参数。或者通过简单地将着色器/纹理与 Smartify 库中的其他着色器/纹理或您自己的. 您还可以使用库中的Smartify 构建块快速从头开始创建智能效果/材质、智能蒙版(例如面向、位置、Ao、边缘、泄漏)以及智能实用程序(例如反平铺、视差映射、随机每个)目的。所有效果也可以通过在顶点颜色上绘制(或更准确地说使用图像纹理)来遮盖,红色将移除,绿色将强制,黑色将让智能遮罩运行。

A drag-&-drop solution to add environmental effects to your PBR materials, and the building blocks to kickstart your own smart materials.Pick one of the smart effects in the library, and drop-it on any of your materials. You can add moss, snow, dust, sand, leaks, water puddles, dead leaves, edge-wear, alien-growth ect.. And of course customize their parameters in a few clicks. Or create any other environmental effect by simply switching Shaders/textures with other ones in the Smartify library, or with your own.You can also quickly create from scratch smart-effects/materials using the building blocks of Smartify in the library, smart masks like Facing, location, Ao, edges, leaking, and smart utilities like anti-tile, paralax mapping, random-per-object.All effects can also be masked by painting on the vertex colors (or more precisely with an image texture), red will remove, green will force, and black will leave the smart masks operate.

支持软件Blender 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0


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